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1998-05-17 | Drama
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After ten years away, Jacques Pruez, an unmarried, 50-year-old, modestly successful actor, returns to his home village to comfort his dying mother. His father Yvan, a family barber who's counting on his "successful" son to support him in his old age, refuses to believe that his wife is sick and insists that her doctors are killing her. She dies, and Jacques finds out that Yvan is not his real father. Besieged by memories of his childhood, the village and the past, Jacques wanders the streets at night, reliving the moments that set him apart from the rest.

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Hinterland FAQ

The director of Hinterland is Jacques Nolot.
The release date of Hinterland is May 17, 1998.
On May 13, 2024, there were 360 public reaction to Hinterland including groggy, rustic character, synchronized, detailed description, overlapping narratives.
The genre of Hinterland is Drama.
After ten years away, Jacques Pruez, an unmarried, 50-year-old, modestly successful actor, returns to his home village to comfort his dying mother. His father Yvan, a family barber who's counting on his "successful" son to support him in his old age, refuses to believe that his wife is sick and insists that her doctors are killing her. She dies, and Jacques finds out that Yvan is not his real father. Besieged by memories of his childhood, the village and the past, Jacques wanders the streets at night, reliving the moments that set him apart from the rest..
The runtime of Hinterland is 90 minutes.