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Safe and Sane

1924-04-05 |
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The movie starts out with a publicity stunt at a local store. The owners promised $500 to anyone that can open their supposedly unbreakable safe. When Jimmie manages to do so, the owner then says there is a catch--the money is stored in yet another safe--at the owner's home. While Jimmie should have socked the guy for lying about the money, he takes this all pretty well and sets out to the man's house to crack the wall safe. However, a gang of thieves also arrive at the scene--intent to take the money once Jimmie gets it.

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Negative 32%

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Safe and Sane FAQ

The director of Safe and Sane is Harold Beaudine.
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Safe and Sane is 5.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The movie starts out with a publicity stunt at a local store. The owners promised $500 to anyone that can open their supposedly unbreakable safe. When Jimmie manages to do so, the owner then says there is a catch--the money is stored in yet another safe--at the owner's home. While Jimmie should have socked the guy for lying about the money, he takes this all pretty well and sets out to the man's house to crack the wall safe. However, a gang of thieves also arrive at the scene--intent to take the money once Jimmie gets it..
On April 29, 2024, there were 763 public reaction to Safe and Sane including city slicker, catchy one-liners, splitting up, created a buzz, heartbreaker.