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The Clan

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A unique insight into a dark brutal world of crime corruption and violence that lies deep within the hills of the Scottish Highlands, based upon a decade of undercover police surveillance that until now has never been exposed. The story unveils the existence of two feuding crime families that have evolved from ancient Scottish Clans 'The McKinley's and the McNabs'.The film focuses on the growing relationship that has blossomed between the two youngest members of each Clan, Cal Mckinley and Nicole McNab as they struggle to cope with the brutal savagery that they are being forced to endure on a daily basis. When the two decide to run off together they soon discover that escaping from the claws of their own Clans was never ever going to be that easy.

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Negative 12%

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The Clan FAQ

A unique insight into a dark brutal world of crime corruption and violence that lies deep within the hills of the Scottish Highlands, based upon a decade of undercover police surveillance that until now has never been exposed. The story unveils the existence of two feuding crime families that have evolved from ancient Scottish Clans 'The McKinley's and the McNabs'.The film focuses on the growing relationship that has blossomed between the two youngest members of each Clan, Cal Mckinley and Nicole McNab as they struggle to cope with the brutal savagery that they are being forced to endure on a daily basis. When the two decide to run off together they soon discover that escaping from the claws of their own Clans was never ever going to be that easy..
The runtime of The Clan is 106 minutes.
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Clan is 7.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On April 29, 2024, there were 1003 public reaction to The Clan including arthurian, gut-punch, pulling punches, trailblazer, technical feat.