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Modern Sculptors

1908-01-31 | Animation / Fantasy
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The first scene presents before the astonished eyes of the spectators a solid piece of marble, which the minute it is placed on a table seems to take life, and one can follow a snake-like line branding on the polished face of the stone the name of the house of Pathé Frères. As soon as this stone has been engraved, as by magic, a handsome young lady appears with a huge lump of clay covered with a cloth. As soon as the cloth is removed from the soft mass it starts whirling and turning as if stricken mad, and one is asking one's self what all the contentions are going to lead to, when the vague shape of an animal not yet discernible seems to appear, and before one has time to make one's mind as to the category of brutes to which it belongs one sees the form of a remarkably well made orang-utan modelled out of the clay, who calmly smokes his pipe. Then the statue is removed by the same winning young lady and another covered block of the same substance is carried forward.

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Modern Sculptors FAQ

The first scene presents before the astonished eyes of the spectators a solid piece of marble, which the minute it is placed on a table seems to take life, and one can follow a snake-like line branding on the polished face of the stone the name of the house of Pathé Frères. As soon as this stone has been engraved, as by magic, a handsome young lady appears with a huge lump of clay covered with a cloth. As soon as the cloth is removed from the soft mass it starts whirling and turning as if stricken mad, and one is asking one's self what all the contentions are going to lead to, when the vague shape of an animal not yet discernible seems to appear, and before one has time to make one's mind as to the category of brutes to which it belongs one sees the form of a remarkably well made orang-utan modelled out of the clay, who calmly smokes his pipe. Then the statue is removed by the same winning young lady and another covered block of the same substance is carried forward..
The release date of Modern Sculptors is January 31, 1908.
On May 13, 2024, there were 1502 public reaction to Modern Sculptors including Claymation, matte shot, diorama, dodgy CG, like Chef.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Modern Sculptors is 6.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The casts of Modern Sculptors are Julienne Mathieu starring as , André Deed starring as .
The runtime of Modern Sculptors is 6 minutes.
The director of Modern Sculptors is Segundo de Chomón.