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Quartier Mozart

1992-05-26 | Comedy
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The boisterous and cheerful lives of the residents of Cameroon are barely dented by incursions of supernatural power in this humor-filled rendition of traditional folk tales in modern guise. In the story, a cheerfully naughty girl crosses paths with a witch who has the power to satisfy her curiosity about men by changing her into a young man. She then becomes one of the boy suitors for the amorous attentions of a policeman's daughter. Some of the men have unusual names and even odder magical gifts: one of them has the ability to make a man's genitals disappear when he shakes hands with him.

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Negative 34%

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Quartier Mozart FAQ

The boisterous and cheerful lives of the residents of Cameroon are barely dented by incursions of supernatural power in this humor-filled rendition of traditional folk tales in modern guise. In the story, a cheerfully naughty girl crosses paths with a witch who has the power to satisfy her curiosity about men by changing her into a young man. She then becomes one of the boy suitors for the amorous attentions of a policeman's daughter. Some of the men have unusual names and even odder magical gifts: one of them has the ability to make a man's genitals disappear when he shakes hands with him..
The director of Quartier Mozart is Jean-Pierre Bekolo.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Quartier Mozart is 6.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The release date of Quartier Mozart is May 26, 1992.
The runtime of Quartier Mozart is 80 minutes.
The genre of Quartier Mozart is Comedy.