![Key visual of Ulladakkam](https://image.maimovie.com/t/p/w500/qnDVroef8krGsuTJhkv7xWkBqJy.jpg)
1991-07-04 | Thriller / Drama
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Reshma is a patient of psychiatrist Dr Sunny. She gets romantically obsessed with him even though this is not reciprocated by the doctor. The arrival of the doctor's fiancee Annie causes a lot of conflict in the mind of Reshma.
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“ Sane Character ”
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“ Letdown Ending ”
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Climax & Ending
“ Sensible Character ”
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“ Refreshing Change Of Pace ”
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“ With Subliminal Message ”
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Editing & Writing
Ulladakkam FAQ
The release date of Ulladakkam is July 04, 1991.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Ulladakkam is 7.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 8.0/10.
The casts of Ulladakkam are Mohanlal starring as Dr. Sunny, Shobana starring as Annie, Amala Akkineni starring as Reshma, Murali starring as Roy, M G Soman starring as Mathachan, Ashokan starring as Kishore.
On October 04, 2024, there were 441 public reaction to Ulladakkam including sane character , letdown ending, sensible character , refreshing change of pace, with subliminal message.
The director of Ulladakkam is Kamal.
The genre of Ulladakkam is Thriller,Drama.
The runtime of Ulladakkam is 119 minutes.
Reshma is a patient of psychiatrist Dr Sunny. She gets romantically obsessed with him even though this is not reciprocated by the doctor. The arrival of the doctor's fiancee Annie causes a lot of conflict in the mind of Reshma..