Journey of the Universe
2011-03-27 | Documentary
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Journey of the Universe is an epic documentary exploring the human connection to Earth and the cosmos, from producer-directors Patsy Northcutt and David Kennard director of Carl Sagan s Cosmos and Hero s Journey: The World of Joseph Campbell. Big science, big history, big story, this one-of-a-kind film was created by a renowned team of scientists, scholars, and award-winning filmmakers, led by co-writers Brian Thomas Swimme, the acclaimed author and evolutionary philosopher, and Yale University historian of religions Mary Evelyn Tucker. They weave a tapestry that draws together scientific discoveries in astronomy, geology, biology, ecology, and biodiversity with humanistic insights concerning the nature of the universe.
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Journey of the Universe FAQ
On September 06, 2024, there were 3121 public reaction to Journey of the Universe including for Catholic contemplation, deeply meaningful, interplanetary, for soul searching, biblical.
The full version of Journey of the Universe is provided by
Tubi TV
The genre of Journey of the Universe is Documentary.
Journey of the Universe is an epic documentary exploring the human connection to Earth and the cosmos, from producer-directors Patsy Northcutt and David Kennard director of Carl Sagan s Cosmos and Hero s Journey: The World of Joseph Campbell. Big science, big history, big story, this one-of-a-kind film was created by a renowned team of scientists, scholars, and award-winning filmmakers, led by co-writers Brian Thomas Swimme, the acclaimed author and evolutionary philosopher, and Yale University historian of religions Mary Evelyn Tucker. They weave a tapestry that draws together scientific discoveries in astronomy, geology, biology, ecology, and biodiversity with humanistic insights concerning the nature of the universe..
On September 06, 2024, the IMDB rating of Journey of the Universe is 6.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.
The release date of Journey of the Universe is March 27, 2011.
The director of Journey of the Universe is David Kennard.