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Night of the Krampus

2013-12-03 |
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According to legend, on Christmas Eve Santa Claus travels with a creature known as Krampus. While Santa rewards the good children, Krampus punishes the naughty. But that's just a myth. ...Or is it? When the naughty kids of a suburb begin to vanish in the weeks leading to Christmas, all evidence points to the creature's existence. In this follow-up to "The Night Shift", it's up to supernatural investigators Rue Morgan, Claire Rennfield, and skeletal sidekick Herbie West to solve the mystery, save the children, and face-off against the deadly Krampus.

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Night of the Krampus FAQ

The runtime of Night of the Krampus is 29 minutes.
According to legend, on Christmas Eve Santa Claus travels with a creature known as Krampus. While Santa rewards the good children, Krampus punishes the naughty. But that's just a myth. ...Or is it? When the naughty kids of a suburb begin to vanish in the weeks leading to Christmas, all evidence points to the creature's existence. In this follow-up to "The Night Shift", it's up to supernatural investigators Rue Morgan, Claire Rennfield, and skeletal sidekick Herbie West to solve the mystery, save the children, and face-off against the deadly Krampus..
The release date of Night of the Krampus is December 03, 2013.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Night of the Krampus is 5.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.