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Jebadiah's Axe

2013-12-06 |
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Jebadiah lived on his land for many years. He worked the land, and kept it alive. Jebadiah also hated trespassers. When he died defending his right to remain on his land, he was buried there. That was a month ago. Now there are strangers on his land again, and they want to make his land their own. Jebadiah still hates trespassers.

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Negative 24%

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Jebadiah's Axe FAQ

The runtime of Jebadiah's Axe is 66 minutes.
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Jebadiah's Axe is 4.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On April 29, 2024, there were 771 public reaction to Jebadiah's Axe including least interesting, useless, Splatter Movie, effectively scary, bludgeoned to death.
Jebadiah lived on his land for many years. He worked the land, and kept it alive. Jebadiah also hated trespassers. When he died defending his right to remain on his land, he was buried there. That was a month ago. Now there are strangers on his land again, and they want to make his land their own. Jebadiah still hates trespassers..