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2011-10-14 | Drama
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Academy Award nominee James Cromwell plays an enlightened clerk who works in the Admissions Room for the afterlife. He is called on to guide an Israeli couple (Anna Khaja & Anthony Batarse), and a Palestinian (Oren Dayan), who go through Admissions together because they have suffered similar tragic endings. As the details of their deaths and how their fates are intertwined become clear, the Clerk attempts to teach them the wisdom required to find everlasting peace.

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Admissions FAQ

The full version of Admissions is provided by Apple iTunes , IndieFlix
The casts of Admissions are James Cromwell starring as The Clerk, Anna Khaja starring as Daphna, Anthony Batarse starring as Eli, Oren Dayan starring as Ahmad.
The director of Admissions is Harry Kakatsakis.
The runtime of Admissions is 21 minutes.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Admissions is 7.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
Academy Award nominee James Cromwell plays an enlightened clerk who works in the Admissions Room for the afterlife. He is called on to guide an Israeli couple (Anna Khaja & Anthony Batarse), and a Palestinian (Oren Dayan), who go through Admissions together because they have suffered similar tragic endings. As the details of their deaths and how their fates are intertwined become clear, the Clerk attempts to teach them the wisdom required to find everlasting peace..
On May 13, 2024, there were 337 public reaction to Admissions including brief glimpse, asking questions, inside look, sneak peek, fascinating glimpse.
The genre of Admissions is Drama.