Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium
2002-10-24 | Documentary
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Director Erich Langjahr follows several of the last remaining shepherds in Switzerland, on the cusp of the third millennium. How does one of the oldest human means of subsistence survive into the modern age? At an unhurried pace, he captures the shepherd, his sheep, his dogs and his mules as they trudge across snow-covered fields, climb mountain passes and cross highways. The sheep have to be cared for all year round and the life of a shepherd is physically demanding. Shepherds stay outdoors, or in small huts and caravans – often in places inaccessible by car. During their long periods away from home, their families expand and their children grow up. But they wouldn’t have it any other way; being a shepherd is a very conscious life choice. One of them puts it like this: “I just can’t sit still. As long as my health allows me I’ll always be on the go. No matter where in the world, I’d like to be on the go forever.”
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Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium FAQ
The release date of Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium is October 24, 2002.
The director of Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium is Erich Langjahr.
On September 06, 2024, there were 302 public reaction to Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium including artificial intelligence, for a cold winter night, God-fearing, balanced view, state of art CG.
On September 06, 2024, the IMDB rating of Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium is 6.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
Director Erich Langjahr follows several of the last remaining shepherds in Switzerland, on the cusp of the third millennium. How does one of the oldest human means of subsistence survive into the modern age? At an unhurried pace, he captures the shepherd, his sheep, his dogs and his mules as they trudge across snow-covered fields, climb mountain passes and cross highways. The sheep have to be cared for all year round and the life of a shepherd is physically demanding. Shepherds stay outdoors, or in small huts and caravans – often in places inaccessible by car. During their long periods away from home, their families expand and their children grow up. But they wouldn’t have it any other way; being a shepherd is a very conscious life choice. One of them puts it like this: “I just can’t sit still. As long as my health allows me I’ll always be on the go. No matter where in the world, I’d like to be on the go forever.”.
The genre of Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium is Documentary.
The runtime of Shepherds' Journey Into The Third Millenium is 124 minutes.