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2001-01-01 | Drama
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A young man aged about twenty chooses a beautiful woman to make love to her for money. It is not really his style and a couple of hours later he is even more lonely than he was before... He is probably dreaming of something very different from what he does. The title says it all. Shot in a slow and realistic style, entirely in the line of modern Kazakh cinema.

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Negative 13%

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Antiromantika FAQ

The director of Antiromantika is Nariman Turebayev.
The release date of Antiromantika is January 01, 2001.
A young man aged about twenty chooses a beautiful woman to make love to her for money. It is not really his style and a couple of hours later he is even more lonely than he was before... He is probably dreaming of something very different from what he does. The title says it all. Shot in a slow and realistic style, entirely in the line of modern Kazakh cinema..
The runtime of Antiromantika is 16 minutes.
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Antiromantika is 7.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On April 29, 2024, there were 832 public reaction to Antiromantika including most moving, sluttish character, with moving moments, refreshing take, ringing true.