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2018-08-12 | Comedy / Drama
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In this homage to the early days of mumblecore, an innocent game of spin the bottle sets off a chain reaction within a group of couples that leads to break ups, infidelity, and betrayal that will change their lives forever. Think 'Husbands and Wives' meets 'The Puffy Chair.'

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Calvinball FAQ

The runtime of Calvinball is 75 minutes.
The casts of Calvinball are Amanda Charney starring as Madison, Josh Kadish starring as Quincy, Trevor Kindel starring as Dante, Roy Parker starring as Trent, Lanie Siegel starring as Paige, Leora Weinstock starring as Delilah.
The release date of Calvinball is August 12, 2018.
In this homage to the early days of mumblecore, an innocent game of spin the bottle sets off a chain reaction within a group of couples that leads to break ups, infidelity, and betrayal that will change their lives forever. Think 'Husbands and Wives' meets 'The Puffy Chair.'.
On May 13, 2024, there were 436 public reaction to Calvinball including different spin, washed out, featuring a cycle of violence , splitting up, fresh spin.
The genre of Calvinball is Comedy,Drama,Romance.
The director of Calvinball is Roy Parker.