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Aisles of Doom

1989-01-01 | Comedy / Horror
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In a town, there's a shop called the Plaza Discount Center, featuring toys of all kinds. It should be a place children love, and it would be save for its shopkeeper, Grendel T.W. Ulcerous. He's evil, but only the children know it, and no one listens to them. We watch what Grendel does to a couple of them. Then, one day, a stranger in a yellow rain slicker comes to town. A confrontation follows. Is it the end of Grendel?

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Negative 67%

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Aisles of Doom FAQ

On May 13, 2024, there were 194 public reaction to Aisles of Doom including kind of suck, totally sucks, hallucinatory, nightmarish, bad acid trip.
The casts of Aisles of Doom are Alex Winter starring as Grendel T.W. Ulcerous, Tom Stern starring as Narrator.
The release date of Aisles of Doom is January 01, 1989.
In a town, there's a shop called the Plaza Discount Center, featuring toys of all kinds. It should be a place children love, and it would be save for its shopkeeper, Grendel T.W. Ulcerous. He's evil, but only the children know it, and no one listens to them. We watch what Grendel does to a couple of them. Then, one day, a stranger in a yellow rain slicker comes to town. A confrontation follows. Is it the end of Grendel?.
The genre of Aisles of Doom is Comedy,Horror.
The director of Aisles of Doom is , the writer is Alex Winter.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Aisles of Doom is 8.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.