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Gillery's Little Secret

2006-03-02 |
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A female-driven examination of the depth that lies between love and friendship. Gillery Poiencot returns home for her 20th high school reunion. While there, she is confronted by a young girl seeking answers that she believes only Gillery can resolve. However, her journey to answer these questions forces her to confront a past love, uncovering a hidden secret only now forced into the light after eighteen years.

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Positive 89%
Negative 11%

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Gillery's Little Secret FAQ

The runtime of Gillery's Little Secret is 25 minutes.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Gillery's Little Secret is 7.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 3.0/10.
A female-driven examination of the depth that lies between love and friendship. Gillery Poiencot returns home for her 20th high school reunion. While there, she is confronted by a young girl seeking answers that she believes only Gillery can resolve. However, her journey to answer these questions forces her to confront a past love, uncovering a hidden secret only now forced into the light after eighteen years..
The director of Gillery's Little Secret is T.M. Scorzafava.
On May 13, 2024, there were 1637 public reaction to Gillery's Little Secret including close scrutiny, cast with zero chemistry, juicy, Queer Cinema, different spin.