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Quite Ordinary

2012-09-17 |
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Tamotsu Nirasaki is a gay high-school teacher who can't get laid.One day, he finds out one of his pupils, Yu Shiotsu, is also gay. "Can I finally become happy?" Nirasaki asks himself, but it turns out Shiotsu is in love with the top student of the class. As Nirasaki gets depressed that he doesn't have a chance from the start, he makes Shiotsu confess his love to the other student, and tries to take advantage of his failure.

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Quite Ordinary FAQ

The director of Quite Ordinary is Masaki Takahashi.
The runtime of Quite Ordinary is 16 minutes.
On May 13, 2024, there were 518 public reaction to Quite Ordinary including semblance of reality, disciplinarian, cardinal sin, almost unwatchable, unintelligent.
Tamotsu Nirasaki is a gay high-school teacher who can't get laid.One day, he finds out one of his pupils, Yu Shiotsu, is also gay. "Can I finally become happy?" Nirasaki asks himself, but it turns out Shiotsu is in love with the top student of the class. As Nirasaki gets depressed that he doesn't have a chance from the start, he makes Shiotsu confess his love to the other student, and tries to take advantage of his failure..
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Quite Ordinary is 6.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.