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What Happened to Pete

1992-03-02 |
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Pete, a customer in a quiet bar somewhere in dull small-town America. Pete needs money and he tries to sell the barman his collection of forties and fifties pulp. The long-winded negotiations about this transaction are interrupted by the arrival of a new customer. When the latter finds a picture of his ex-wife in one of Pete's books, the covers of the novels come to life in a surprising way.

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What Happened to Pete FAQ

The casts of What Happened to Pete are Steve Buscemi starring as Pete, Seymour Cassel starring as Bartender, Mark Boone Junior starring as Stranger.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of What Happened to Pete is 6.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The director of What Happened to Pete is Steve Buscemi, the writer is Steve Buscemi.
The runtime of What Happened to Pete is 14 minutes.
The release date of What Happened to Pete is March 02, 1992.
Pete, a customer in a quiet bar somewhere in dull small-town America. Pete needs money and he tries to sell the barman his collection of forties and fifties pulp. The long-winded negotiations about this transaction are interrupted by the arrival of a new customer. When the latter finds a picture of his ex-wife in one of Pete's books, the covers of the novels come to life in a surprising way..