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1996-07-26 | Action / Thriller
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Paro, her mother, and her brother, Natwar, find an unconscious man near their town. They bring him over to their house, nurse and nurture him back to good health, only to find out that he has the mind of a 12 year of old child, and name him Bhola. Years pass by, Paro has fallen in love with Bhola, for he rescued her from a molester, and both would like to get married. Before that could happen, Bhola is viciously attacked and left for dead by Paro's molester, and is hospitalized. While in hospital, Police Sub-Inspector Abhimanyu Verma finds out that Bhola is not who he claims to be but a homicidal maniac, wanted for killing three policemen - named Bhisma - and is possibly masquerading as a 12 year old child to hide from the police.

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Bhishma FAQ

The runtime of Bhishma is 125 minutes.
The genre of Bhishma is Action,Thriller.
The release date of Bhishma is July 26, 1996.
Paro, her mother, and her brother, Natwar, find an unconscious man near their town. They bring him over to their house, nurse and nurture him back to good health, only to find out that he has the mind of a 12 year of old child, and name him Bhola. Years pass by, Paro has fallen in love with Bhola, for he rescued her from a molester, and both would like to get married. Before that could happen, Bhola is viciously attacked and left for dead by Paro's molester, and is hospitalized. While in hospital, Police Sub-Inspector Abhimanyu Verma finds out that Bhola is not who he claims to be but a homicidal maniac, wanted for killing three policemen - named Bhisma - and is possibly masquerading as a 12 year old child to hide from the police..
The casts of Bhishma are Mithun Chakraborty starring as , Harish Kumar starring as Sub-Inspector Abhimanyu Verma, Kader Khan starring as , Johnny Lever starring as , Mukesh Rishi starring as , Mohan Joshi starring as .
The director of Bhishma is Jagdish A. Sharma, the writer is Miraq Mirza.
On April 29, 2024, there were 1539 public reaction to Bhishma including completely boring, yawn, utter mess, real chore, completely illogical.
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Bhishma is 4.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 1.0/10.