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The Supermarket

2009-01-01 | Comedy / Drama
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To the young people of Ellington the Supermarket was many different things. Another home, a place they'd known as long as they can remember. A one-of-a-kind place to work, build friendships and have as much fun as possible without getting caught. The heart of their town, a farming community with more cows than people and the last outpost for Rockwell's America. But this summer Ellington, the Supermarket, and the young people who cared for it the most will grow up. A modern day Capraesque tale about growing into adulthood in small town USA, 'The Supermarket' is a story of laughter, love, old rivalries, coming home for the summer, barely functional cars, small triumphs and tragic loss, late-night lawbreaking, fearing the future, food fights, standing together, and finding your place in the world.

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To the young people of Ellington the Supermarket was many different things. Another home, a place they'd known as long as they can remember. A one-of-a-kind place to work, build friendships and have as much fun as possible without getting caught. The heart of their town, a farming community with more cows than people and the last outpost for Rockwell's America. But this summer Ellington, the Supermarket, and the young people who cared for it the most will grow up. A modern day Capraesque tale about growing into adulthood in small town USA, 'The Supermarket' is a story of laughter, love, old rivalries, coming home for the summer, barely functional cars, small triumphs and tragic loss, late-night lawbreaking, fearing the future, food fights, standing together, and finding your place in the world..
The release date of The Supermarket is January 01, 2009.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Supermarket is 7.9/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The director of The Supermarket is Timothy Norman.
On May 13, 2024, there were 457 public reaction to The Supermarket including imprinting in head, low production value, loose thread, direct-to-video, intense drama.
The runtime of The Supermarket is 116 minutes.
The casts of The Supermarket are Matt Jenkins starring as Jenkins, Bob Ondek starring as Bob, Pat Tanner starring as Pat, Brian Madore starring as Madore / Angry Meat Worker, Carolyne Burgess starring as Deirdre Boyle, Ed Reed starring as Timmy.