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Detouring Thru Maine

1950-02-17 | Animation / Music
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A tour of the state of Maine with comic undertones: "modern" tree cutting, lobster fishing and moose hunting. In Bar Harbor, the boats get plastered after being filled up with their choice of gin, rum and rye. The "Lobster Pot" nightclub has a "one fin" cover charge. "The Stein Song" is included as a singalong.

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Negative 26%

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Detouring Thru Maine FAQ

A tour of the state of Maine with comic undertones: "modern" tree cutting, lobster fishing and moose hunting. In Bar Harbor, the boats get plastered after being filled up with their choice of gin, rum and rye. The "Lobster Pot" nightclub has a "one fin" cover charge. "The Stein Song" is included as a singalong..
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Detouring Thru Maine is 0.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On April 29, 2024, there were 293 public reaction to Detouring Thru Maine including with biblical reference, like a pot of gold, rocking, sharp edge dialogue, with meta jokes.
The release date of Detouring Thru Maine is February 17, 1950.
The genre of Detouring Thru Maine is Animation,Music.
The runtime of Detouring Thru Maine is 6 minutes.