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Destiny's Toy

1916-06-15 | Drama
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Young Nan was rescued from a shipwreck by a man who becomes her foster father. Years later, when he dies, she moves to a nearby city and unknowingly gets involved with a criminal gang. When the gang attempts and fails to rob wealthy Thomas Carter's home, Nan finally discovers what they are and tells the police all she knows, resulting in the imprisonment of Bad Riley, the gang's leader. Grateful, the Carter family takes Nan into their home, to replace a young daughter who had drowned years before, and the young son, Rev. Robert Carter, begins a romance with her. However, the jailed Riley soon escapes and comes after Nan.

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Destiny's Toy FAQ

Young Nan was rescued from a shipwreck by a man who becomes her foster father. Years later, when he dies, she moves to a nearby city and unknowingly gets involved with a criminal gang. When the gang attempts and fails to rob wealthy Thomas Carter's home, Nan finally discovers what they are and tells the police all she knows, resulting in the imprisonment of Bad Riley, the gang's leader. Grateful, the Carter family takes Nan into their home, to replace a young daughter who had drowned years before, and the young son, Rev. Robert Carter, begins a romance with her. However, the jailed Riley soon escapes and comes after Nan..
The director of Destiny's Toy is John B. O'Brien.
The casts of Destiny's Toy are Louise Huff starring as Nan Barton, John Bowers starring as Rev. Robert Carter, Jack W. Johnston starring as Thomas Carter, Tammany Young starring as Tick, Kate Lester starring as Mrs. Calvin, John T. Dillon starring as Bad Riley.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Destiny's Toy is 0.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The runtime of Destiny's Toy is 52 minutes.
The genre of Destiny's Toy is Drama.
On May 13, 2024, there were 836 public reaction to Destiny's Toy including trite, like Scarface, improvisational style, kaleidoscopic, heavy-handed.