Top-rated Burkina Faso movies

View the greatest movies of all time within Burkina Faso movie category, based on popular searches across the country. Check out the list of movies you shouldn’t miss out on.

1 Le périmètre de Kamsé (2021)


2021-06-02 | Documentary



rating icon 8.0
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2 Moolaadé (2004)

When a woman shelters a group of girls from suffering female genital mutilation, she starts a conflict that tears her village apart.


2004-08-04 | Drama


Fatoumata Coulibaly, Maimouna Hélène Diarra


rating icon 7.1
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1020 for
    with mercenaries
  2. Ranked #1558 for
  3. Ranked #1569 for
    low-key approach


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3 Desrances (2019)

After the brutal massacre of his family in Haiti, Francis Desrances resettles in the Ivory Coast. Years later Francis, his wife Aissey and 12-year-old daughter Haila await the birth of a son, who to Francis' excitement and Haila's irritation is immediately regarded as the worthy heir to the Desrances name. As the birth looms, civil war erupts in Abidjan and amidst the melee Aissey goes missing. Haila courageously steps forward in ways that challenge her father's notion of what constitutes a rightful heir. Cementing her status as a bold voice in contemporary filmmaking, Apolline Traoré's domestic drama escalates into an intense thriller that mounts a passionate challenge to commonly-held gender roles, whilst also highlighting the human cost of civil strife.


2019-02-23 | Drama / Thriller


Jimmy Jean-Louis, Jemima Nemlin


rating icon 7.0
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #6976 for
    with large gap
  2. Ranked #7009 for
    extremely violent
  3. Ranked #7138 for


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4 Adanggaman (2000)

In West Africa during the late 17th century, King Adanggaman leads a war against his neighboring tribes, ordering his soldiers to torch enemy villages, kill the elderly and capture the healthy tribesmen to sell to the European slave traders. When his village falls prey to one of Adanggaman's attacks, Ossei manages to escape, but his family is murdered except for his captured mother. Chasing after the soldiers in an effort to free her, Ossei is befriended by a fierce warrior named Naka.


2000-08-31 | Drama


Albertine N'Guessan, Ziable Honoré Goore Bi


rating icon 6.6
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #3915 for
    evil tyrant
  2. Ranked #3919 for
  3. Ranked #4097 for
    innocent man


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5 Eye of the Storm (2017)

At a war crimes trial in an African country, an idealistic lawyer delves into the past of a man who, accused of committing unspeakable atrocities, is treated as an inhuman monster.


2017-11-22 | Drama


Maimouna N'Diaye, Fargass Assandé


rating icon 6.4
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1676 for
    with mercenaries
  2. Ranked #5490 for
    Courtroom Drama
  3. Ranked #6807 for
    mere entertainment


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6 Ouaga Girls (2017)

A group of young women from Ouagadougou study at a girl school to become auto mechanics. The classmates become their port of safety, joy and sisterhood, all while they are going through the life changing transition into becoming adults in a country boiling with political changes. In a country with youth unemployment at 52 percent, jobs are a hot issue. The young girls at a mechanics school in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou are right in the middle of a crucial point in life when their dreams, hopes and courage are confronted with opinions, fears and society’s expectations of what a woman should be. Using interesting narrative solutions, Theresa Traore Dahlberg depicts their last school years and at the same time succeeds in showing the country’s violent past and present. This is a feature-film debut and coming-of-age film with much warmth, laughs, heartbreak and depth.


2017-08-25 | Documentary


Chantal Niessougou, Bintou Konaté


rating icon 6.2
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7 The Night of Truth (2004)

La Nuit de la Vérité is situated in an imaginary West African country. After ten years of civil war between the government army of the Nayak, led by 'Le président', and the Bonande rebels led by Colonel Theo, there is some sign of peace negotiations. But not everyone is in favor of peace and one can feel the tension. The night of truth starts with a festive dinner, but the village idiot Tomoto always seems capable of ruining the attempts for peace with violence and provocation.


2004-05-19 | Drama / Romance


Moussa Cissé, Rasmané Ouédraogo


rating icon 5.0
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #2937 for
  2. Ranked #3159 for
    leaving bitter taste
  3. Ranked #4286 for
    with epiphany moments


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8 Bintou (2001)

Bintou wants to make sure that her daughter goes to school, but her husband Abel doesn’t think it’s worth it and claims there is only enough money to educate their sons. But Bintou won’t give up and starts her own business to make the extra money. Abel, wary of losing control and scared that Bintou’s newfound financial freedom will lead her to adultery, tries to sabotage her efforts. Bintou tackles sexuality, gender relations, and the fraught relationship between tradition and modernity with joyful satire.


2001-01-29 | Comedy


Alima Salouka, Hyppolite Ouangrawa


rating icon 0.0
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #2966 for
  2. Ranked #5348 for
  3. Ranked #7306 for


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9 Konaté's Gift (1997)

When Djénéba returns from the city where she has been visiting her cousin, she brings her husband, Konaté, a wonderful gift: a condom. Konaté is furious and refuses to change his habits. Djénéba, well aware of the effects of AIDS, refuses to give in.


1997-01-02 | Comedy


Djénéba Dao, José Somada


rating icon 0.0
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10 Silmandé - Tourbillon (1998)

Comedy directed by S. Pierre Yameogo.


1998-01-02 |


Amadou Bourou, Ali Guentas


rating icon 0.0
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #14109 for
    caught off -guard
  2. Ranked #18943 for
  3. Ranked #19656 for


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According to the review analysis on Maimovie, movies in Top-rated Burkina Faso movies list are rated as masterpiece, barbaric, westernized, regressive character, good, spiritual belief, foster father, hard-nosed, with mercenaries, hagiography.
We collect all existing reviews on the web for all movies and proceed machine learning to calculate the A.I. ranking. It ranks the movies while automatically updating new information every week.
Using Taste search, Maimovie provides a unique system which helps you search for specific results through phrases that are collected from movie reviews and information from various movie databases. You can look for movies with phrases such as “adrenaline pumping movies” or “unexpected plot twist of all time.” The Maimovie application’s database covers movie information from all 540K+ movies and connects you to all 74+ available streaming services.