Top rated flexible movies that are also typical

Check out today’s highest ranked flexible and typical movies! Looking for the greatest movies of all times? Here is the list of the best movies that are flexible and typical, based on the crowd's interest and popular searches from the country.

1 The Protégé (2021)

Rescued as a child by the legendary assassin Moody and trained in the family business, Anna is the world’s most skilled contract killer. When Moody, the man who was like a father to her and taught her everything she needs to know about trust and survival, is brutally killed, Anna vows revenge. As she becomes entangled with an enigmatic killer whose attraction to her goes way beyond cat and mouse, their confrontation turns deadly and the loose ends of a life spent killing will weave themselves ever tighter.


2021-08-19 | Action / Thriller


Maggie Q, Samuel L. Jackson


rating icon 6.576
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #2 for
    for action thriller fans
  2. Ranked #2 for
    brilliantly staged
  3. Ranked #2 for
    rapid fire editing


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2 Noelle (2019)

Kris Kringle's daughter, Noelle, sets off on a mission to find and bring back her brother, after he gets cold feet when it's his turn to take over as Santa.


2019-11-12 | Family / Comedy


Anna Kendrick, Bill Hader


rating icon 6.6
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    most famous role
  2. Ranked #1 for
    particularly memorable
  3. Ranked #1 for
    super cute


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3 The Vault (2021)

Madrid, Spain, 2010. While the whole city follows the national team's successful participation in the World Cup, a group of daring thieves look for a way into one of the most secure and guarded places on the planet.


2021-03-04 | Drama / Action


Freddie Highmore, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey


rating icon 6.824
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    extremely difficult
  2. Ranked #1 for
    Treasure Hunt
  3. Ranked #1 for
    carefully planned


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4 Anything for Jackson (2020)

A bereaved Satanist couple kidnap a pregnant woman so they can use an ancient spellbook to put their dead grandson's spirit into her unborn child, but they end up summoning more than they bargained for.


2020-04-04 | Horror


Sheila McCarthy, Julian Richings


rating icon 6.804
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #2 for
    decently scary
  2. Ranked #2 for
  3. Ranked #2 for
    kind of silly


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5 Bloodshot (2020)

After he and his wife are murdered, marine Ray Garrison is resurrected by a team of scientists. Enhanced with nanotechnology, he becomes a superhuman, biotech killing machine—'Bloodshot'. As Ray first trains with fellow super-soldiers, he cannot recall anything from his former life. But when his memories flood back and he remembers the man that killed both him and his wife, he breaks out of the facility to get revenge, only to discover that there's more to the conspiracy than he thought.


2020-03-05 | Action / Science Fiction


Vin Diesel, Eiza González


rating icon 6.738
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    popcorn flick
  2. Ranked #3 for
  3. Ranked #3 for
    balls-to-the-wall action


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6 Freaky (2020)

A mystical, ancient dagger causes a notorious serial killer to magically switch bodies with a 17-year-old girl.


2020-11-12 | Comedy / Horror


Vince Vaughn, Kathryn Newton


rating icon 6.58
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    shy girl
  2. Ranked #1 for
    absolute blast
  3. Ranked #1 for


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7 Furie (2019)

When a little girl is kidnapped by a trafficking ring, they soon find they messed with the wrong child. Her mother, a notorious former gang leader, is close on their trail and will go to any lengths to bring her child home.


2019-02-22 | Action / Drama


Veronica Ngo, Phan Thanh Nhiên


rating icon 6.522
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #1 for
  3. Ranked #1 for
    durable directing


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8 Heart of Champions (2021)

During their last year at an Ivy League college in 1999, a group of friends and crew teammates' lives are changed forever when an army vet takes over as coach of their dysfunctional rowing team.


2021-09-16 | Drama


Michael Shannon, Alexander Ludwig


rating icon 5.805
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    hitting on all cylinders
  2. Ranked #1 for
    destined for greatness
  3. Ranked #1 for


Heart of Champions trailer
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9 Prey (2022)

When danger threatens her camp, the fierce and highly skilled Comanche warrior Naru sets out to protect her people. But the prey she stalks turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal.


2022-08-02 | Thriller / Action


Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers


rating icon 7.722
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    badass female
  2. Ranked #1 for
  3. Ranked #2 for


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10 Sorry We Missed You (2019)

Ricky and his family have been fighting an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008 financial crash. An opportunity to wrestle back some independence appears with a shiny new van and the chance to run a franchise as a self-employed delivery driver. It's hard work, and his wife's job as a carer is no easier. The family unit is strong but when both are pulled in different directions everything comes to breaking point.


2019-10-04 | Drama


Kris Hitchen, Debbie Honeywood


rating icon 7.376
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #1 for
    sad and depressing
  3. Ranked #1 for


Sorry We Missed You trailer
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According to the review analysis on Maimovie, movies in Top rated flexible movies that are also typical list are rated as adrenaline pumping, kind of silly, gender-bending, keeping momentum, freaky, super-smart, ingenuine directing, flexible, strong-willed woman, adversary-worthy.
We collect all existing reviews on the web for all movies and proceed machine learning to calculate the A.I. ranking. It ranks the movies while automatically updating new information every week.
Using Taste search, Maimovie provides a unique system which helps you search for specific results through phrases that are collected from movie reviews and information from various movie databases. You can look for movies with phrases such as “adrenaline pumping movies” or “unexpected plot twist of all time.” The Maimovie application’s database covers movie information from all 540K+ movies and connects you to all 74+ available streaming services.