Top rated movies with rather wooden acting that have a disjointed narrative

Check out today’s highest ranked movies with rather wooden acting and a disjointed narrative! Looking for the greatest movies of all times? Here is the list of the best movies with rather wooden acting and a disjointed narrative, based on the crowd's interest and popular searches from the country.

1 Last Radio Call (2022)

On June 30th, 2018, Officer David Serling went missing inside an undisclosed abandoned hospital. Using his recovered body cam footage, his wife attempts to piece together what happened to him on that horrible night.


2022-01-14 | Horror / Mystery


Sarah Froelich, Jason Scarbrough


rating icon 6.0
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    like The Da Vinci Code
  2. Ranked #1 for
    quite chilling
  3. Ranked #2 for
    dead end


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2 The Last Thing He Wanted (2020)

At the turning point of the Iran-Contra affair, Elena McMahon, a fearless investigative journalist covering the 1984 US presidential campaign, puts herself in danger when she abandons her assigned task in order to fulfill the last wish of her ailing father, a mysterious man whose past activities she barely knows.


2020-02-14 | Drama / Thriller


Anne Hathaway, Ben Affleck


rating icon 4.87
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #1 for
    confusing mess
  3. Ranked #1 for
    clear conscience


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3 Vanquish (2021)

Victoria is a young mother trying to put her dark past as a Russian drug courier behind her, but retired cop Damon forces Victoria to do his bidding by holding her daughter hostage. Now, Victoria must use guns, guts and a motorcycle to take out a series of violent gangsters—or she may never see her child again.


2021-04-16 | Action / Adventure


Ruby Rose, Morgan Freeman


rating icon 5.411
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    horrible editing
  2. Ranked #1 for
    big blunder
  3. Ranked #1 for
    virtually non-existent


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4 Hell on the Border (2019)

In the late 1800s, legendary marshal Bass Reeves sets out on the trail of notorious outlaw Bob Dozier.


2019-12-13 | Western / Adventure


Ron Perlman, Frank Grillo


rating icon 5.567
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    just plain awful
  2. Ranked #1 for
    below average acting
  3. Ranked #2 for
    beyond bad


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5 Lair (2021)

A fractured family are forced to face their demons, metaphorically and literally, as they unwittingly become embroiled in a man's attempt to prove the existence of the supernatural in order to overturn a friend's murder conviction.


2021-11-09 | Horror


Corey Johnson, Anya Newall


rating icon 5.5
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    supernatural theme
  2. Ranked #1 for
    special kudos
  3. Ranked #2 for
    top mark


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6 Night Walk (2019)

Modern day Romeo and Juliet, star crossed lovers are torn apart by cultural tensions between the East and the West. Sarah takes her American boyfriend Frank to her home country in the Arab world.


2019-10-05 | Crime / Action


Sean Stone, Mickey Rourke


rating icon 4.9
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    convoluted plot
  2. Ranked #1 for
    making head spin
  3. Ranked #1 for
    mannered performance


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7 We Need to Do Something (2021)

Seeking shelter from a storm, a family finds themselves trapped in a bathroom for days with no sign of rescue and untold evils lurking just beyond the walls.


2021-09-03 | Horror / Mystery


Sierra McCormick, Vinessa Shaw


rating icon 5.3
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    copping out
  2. Ranked #1 for
    final insult
  3. Ranked #2 for
    locked in


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8 Hideout (2021)

Evading police at a remote farmhouse after fumbling a robbery, four criminals discover that the family living there is not who they appear to be.


2021-11-09 | Horror / Crime


Katie Lyons, Bryan Enright


rating icon 5.2
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    weird camera angle
  2. Ranked #1 for
    poorly put together
  3. Ranked #1 for
    downright painful


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9 Tall Girl 2 (2022)

After Jodi Kreyman gains popularity, her miscommunications start causing rifts with those around her and now she really needs to "stand tall".


2022-02-11 | Comedy / Romance


Ava Michelle, Griffin Gluck


rating icon 5.663
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #5 for
    southern belle
  2. Ranked #6 for
  3. Ranked #6 for
    philosophical theme


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10 Agnes (2021)

Rumors of demonic possession at a religious convent prompts a church investigation into the strange goings-on among its nuns. A disaffected priest and his neophyte are confronted with temptation, bloodshed and a crisis of faith.


2021-12-10 | Horror / Drama


Molly C. Quinn, Jake Horowitz


rating icon 4.231
More Info

People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #2 for
    sound promising
  2. Ranked #3 for
  3. Ranked #3 for


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According to the review analysis on Maimovie, movies in Top rated movies with rather wooden acting that have a disjointed narrative list are rated as disjointed narrative, rather wooden acting, bit wooden, confusing mess, convoluted, non-existent plot, circuitous, convoluted plot, overly convoluted, choppy editing.
We collect all existing reviews on the web for all movies and proceed machine learning to calculate the A.I. ranking. It ranks the movies while automatically updating new information every week.
Using Taste search, Maimovie provides a unique system which helps you search for specific results through phrases that are collected from movie reviews and information from various movie databases. You can look for movies with phrases such as “adrenaline pumping movies” or “unexpected plot twist of all time.” The Maimovie application’s database covers movie information from all 540K+ movies and connects you to all 74+ available streaming services.