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Assy McGee

Animation, Comedy | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Assy McGee is an animated sitcom featuring police detective Assy McGee, a parody of tough-guy cop shows and movies, who is literally a walking pair of buttocks. Along with his partner Don Sanchez, the trigger-happy McGee solves crimes in a fictionalized Exeter, New Hampshire. Larry Murphy voices all of the main characters. The series premiered on November 26, 2006, on Adult Swim and was canceled after season two ended on July 6, 2008.

3 Seasons

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Negative 49%

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Assy McGee FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Assy McGee is 5.8.
The director of Assy McGee is Keith Crofford.
The first air date of Assy McGee is November 26, 2006.
The full version of Assy McGee is available atprovided by Tubi TV , Adult Swim , Apple iTunes
On May 13, 2024, there are 1611 reactions to Assy McGee including pervasive, sobering, breathy voice, gleeful, self-referential.
Assy McGee is an animated sitcom featuring police detective Assy McGee, a parody of tough-guy cop shows and movies, who is literally a walking pair of buttocks. Along with his partner Don Sanchez, the trigger-happy McGee solves crimes in a fictionalized Exeter, New Hampshire. Larry Murphy voices all of the main characters. The series premiered on November 26, 2006, on Adult Swim and was canceled after season two ended on July 6, 2008.
There are Assy McGee seasons of the 2.
The cast of Assy McGee are H. Jon Benjamin starring as Mayor, Jon Glaser starring as , H. Jon Benjamin starring as Additional, Patrice O'Neal starring as Blind Anthony, Larry Murphy starring as .