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Vernon Subutex

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Vernon Subutex, the unemployed former owner of legendary record shop Revolver, is evicted from his apartment. In his search for a place to stay, Vernon contacts his former friends who were involved in the music world with him in the 1990s.

1 Season

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Negative 43%

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  • Globes de Cristal Awards, France

    Best Actor - Television Series or Mini-Series

  • L'Association des Critiques de Séries

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  • L'Association des Critiques de Séries

    Best Actress


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Vernon Subutex FAQ

Vernon Subutex, the unemployed former owner of legendary record shop Revolver, is evicted from his apartment. In his search for a place to stay, Vernon contacts his former friends who were involved in the music world with him in the 1990s.
The first air date of Vernon Subutex is April 08, 2019.
On June 10, 2024, IMDB rating to Vernon Subutex is 6.7.
The cast of Vernon Subutex are Romain Duris starring as Vernon Subutex, Céline Sallette starring as La Hyène, Laurent Lucas starring as Laurent Dopalet, Flora Fischbach starring as Anaïs, Philippe Rebbot starring as Xavier Fardin, Florence Thomassin starring as Sylvie Langlois.
The genre of Vernon Subutex is Drama.
On June 10, 2024, there are 417 reactions to Vernon Subutex including staying true to book, deathly, faithful to book, faithful to source material, figurative concept.