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Meet the Chimps

Documentary | 1 Seasons | Ended
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The series takes viewers into the secret life of one of the largest and most unique wildlife sanctuaries in the world – Chimp Haven—a 200-acre refuge tucked deep in the forested heart of Louisiana, which is home to more than 300 chimpanzees.

1 Season

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Negative 13%


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Meet the Chimps FAQ

The full version of Meet the Chimps is available atprovided by Disney Plus
The genre of Meet the Chimps is Documentary.
On May 21, 2024, there are 186 reactions to Meet the Chimps including somewhat confusing, brilliantly crafted, pulling heartstrings, visually impressive, absolutely blown away.
On May 21, 2024, IMDB rating to Meet the Chimps is 7.8.
There are Meet the Chimps seasons of the 1.
The series takes viewers into the secret life of one of the largest and most unique wildlife sanctuaries in the world – Chimp Haven—a 200-acre refuge tucked deep in the forested heart of Louisiana, which is home to more than 300 chimpanzees.
The director of Meet the Chimps is Michael Welsh.
The first air date of Meet the Chimps is October 16, 2020.