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Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Noam is a 24-year-old columnist struggling to establish himself as a writer, and not lose his mind in the process. A challenging task since his father is famous not only for his great talent as a writer, but also for his outrageous borderline personality. When Noam hits rock bottom fueled by a deadly combination of drugs, he finds his own route to normality in the unlikeliest of places: the psych ward.

1 Season

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People's review rating

Positive 61%
Negative 39%

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Television Awards

0 wins 2 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • International Emmy Awards

    Best Performance by an Actor

  • Series Mania

    International Panorama


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Normal FAQ

There are Normal seasons of the 1.
The genre of Normal is Drama.
On May 21, 2024, there are 267 reactions to Normal including masterwork, absolutely insane, bored to death, out of breath, whacked out.
On May 21, 2024, IMDB rating to Normal is 8.1.
The first air date of Normal is November 04, 2020.
Noam is a 24-year-old columnist struggling to establish himself as a writer, and not lose his mind in the process. A challenging task since his father is famous not only for his great talent as a writer, but also for his outrageous borderline personality. When Noam hits rock bottom fueled by a deadly combination of drugs, he finds his own route to normality in the unlikeliest of places: the psych ward.