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Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani

Drama, Family, Soap | 1 Seasons | Returning Series
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Kajol is all set to marry Arjun, a rich corporate professional. But a cruel twist of fate forces her to hit pause on her life and focus on her family. Challenging the patriarchy, she turns into the breadwinner of her family. Will she succeed in her mission? Find out in this emotional story.

1 Season

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Negative 71%

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Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani FAQ

The genre of Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani is Drama,Family,Soap.
The cast of Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani are Ishita Dutta starring as Kajol Mukherjee.
On May 21, 2024, IMDB rating to Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani is 6.9.
Kajol is all set to marry Arjun, a rich corporate professional. But a cruel twist of fate forces her to hit pause on her life and focus on her family. Challenging the patriarchy, she turns into the breadwinner of her family. Will she succeed in her mission? Find out in this emotional story.
On May 21, 2024, there are 481 reactions to Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani including absolutely pathetic, total loss, most disgusting, repugnant, frothy.
There are Thoda Sa Baadal Thoda Sa Paani seasons of the 1.