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Drama | 1 Seasons | Returning Series
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The series follows Daniella Hernandez, a highly sought-after entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles, as she navigates the nefarious lives of her rich and famous clients while dealing with her own complicated personal life as a recovering alcoholic who compensates for her suppressed addiction with men and the adrenaline of defending the worst in the entertainment world against an over-zealous D.A. sworn to bring them all to justice. She is the classic conundrum of doing good for bad reasons and doing bad for good reasons.

1 Season

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Negative 62%

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Sacrifice FAQ

The first air date of Sacrifice is November 04, 2021.
The certification of Sacrifice is TV-MA.
The cast of Sacrifice are Paula Patton starring as Daniella Hernandez, Altonio Jackson starring as Steven Somwon, Erica Ash starring as Beverly Rucker, Nelson Bonilla starring as Miguel Costas, Marques Houston starring as Jason Pratt, Juan Antonio starring as Dominiq Mayfield.
The genre of Sacrifice is Drama.
On May 21, 2024, IMDB rating to Sacrifice is 6.3.
The full version of Sacrifice is available atprovided by Sling TV Orange and Blue
On May 21, 2024, there are 376 reactions to Sacrifice including wrong turns, less convincing, with suspenseful moments, completely illogical, catatonic.
There are Sacrifice seasons of the 1.