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Crime, Drama | 5 Seasons | Ended
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Wycliffe is a British television series, based on W. J. Burley's novels about Detective Superintendent Charles Wycliffe. It was produced by HTV and broadcast on the ITV Network, following a pilot episode on 7 August 1993, between 24 July 1994 and 5 July 1998. The series was filmed in Cornwall, with a production office in Truro. Music for the series was composed by Nigel Hess and was awarded the Royal Television Society award for the best television theme. Wycliffe is played by Jack Shepherd, assisted by DI Doug Kersey and DI Lucy Lane. Each episode deals with a murder investigation. In the early series, the stories are adapted from Burley's books and are in classic whodunit style, often with quirky characters and plot elements. In later seasons, the tone becomes more naturalistic and there is more emphasis on internal politics within the police.

6 Seasons

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Wycliffe FAQ

The cast of Wycliffe are Jack Shepherd starring as Detective Superintendent Wycliffe, Jimmy Yuill starring as DI Kersey, Helen Masters starring as DI Lane.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Wycliffe is 7.2.
The first air date of Wycliffe is July 24, 1994.
Wycliffe is a British television series, based on W. J. Burley's novels about Detective Superintendent Charles Wycliffe. It was produced by HTV and broadcast on the ITV Network, following a pilot episode on 7 August 1993, between 24 July 1994 and 5 July 1998. The series was filmed in Cornwall, with a production office in Truro. Music for the series was composed by Nigel Hess and was awarded the Royal Television Society award for the best television theme. Wycliffe is played by Jack Shepherd, assisted by DI Doug Kersey and DI Lucy Lane. Each episode deals with a murder investigation. In the early series, the stories are adapted from Burley's books and are in classic whodunit style, often with quirky characters and plot elements. In later seasons, the tone becomes more naturalistic and there is more emphasis on internal politics within the police.
The genre of Wycliffe is Crime,Drama.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1736 reactions to Wycliffe including eminently watchable, dependable cast, punchy lines, distracted, wrong turns.
The full version of Wycliffe is available atprovided by Tubi TV , The Roku Channel , Pluto TV , Freevee Amazon Channel , BritBox , BritBox Amazon Channel