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Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Probe is a 1988 American television pilot and subsequent TV series, created by television mystery writer William Link and noted science fiction author Isaac Asimov. It aired on ABC. Michael B. Wagner, a veteran television writer, wrote the two-hour pilot, and became Executive Producer for the series. The pilot and series starred Parker Stevenson as Austin James, a misanthropic genius who solved high tech crimes, and Ashley Crow as James' new secretary Mickey Castle. The show began as a mid-season replacement and was canceled after a two-month run of the pilot and six episodes. Entire episodes have made their way on the internet through video-sharing sites such as YouTube. Some episodes of the show revolved around Serendip, a company founded by Austin that he has no interest in running. Mickey, his Serendip-appointed secretary, plays Watson to Austin's Holmes.

1 Season

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Probe FAQ

There are Probe seasons of the 1.
The first air date of Probe is March 07, 1988.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Probe is 8.1.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1754 reactions to Probe including director with uncanny ability, brainy, super-smart, inquisitive character, misanthropic.
Probe is a 1988 American television pilot and subsequent TV series, created by television mystery writer William Link and noted science fiction author Isaac Asimov. It aired on ABC. Michael B. Wagner, a veteran television writer, wrote the two-hour pilot, and became Executive Producer for the series. The pilot and series starred Parker Stevenson as Austin James, a misanthropic genius who solved high tech crimes, and Ashley Crow as James' new secretary Mickey Castle. The show began as a mid-season replacement and was canceled after a two-month run of the pilot and six episodes. Entire episodes have made their way on the internet through video-sharing sites such as YouTube. Some episodes of the show revolved around Serendip, a company founded by Austin that he has no interest in running. Mickey, his Serendip-appointed secretary, plays Watson to Austin's Holmes.
The cast of Probe are Parker Stevenson starring as , Ashley Crow starring as .