Key visual of Surgical Spirit 3

Surgical Spirit 3

1991-01-04 | Comedy | 7 episodes

7 Seasons


The Holiday Job (1991)

Sheila's son Daniel lands a holiday job at the hospital.

The Holiday Job poster

Only A Roach (1991)

Sister Patching spots a cockroach in Sheila's operating theatre.

Only A Roach poster

Making News (1991)

Sheila makes a splash in the news when she sounds off on a television programme about doctors who smoke and drink.

Making News poster

The Folks On The Hill (1991)

Giles Peake suggests a fun run to raise money for the children's ward.

The Folks On The Hill poster

Close To The Edge (1991)

When Jonathon goes to the dentist, Sheila has to work with Quentin Pierce, whom she considers to be mad.

Close To The Edge poster
