Key visual of Martha Speaks 2

Martha Speaks 2

2009-09-14 | Animation | 15 episodes

4 Seasons


Martha's Chair / T.D. the Pack Rat (2009)

Martha's family has a birthday surprise — a new dog bed! After a few sleepless nights, the family realizes that Martha misses her stinky old chair. But Mrs. Demson bought it and has plans of her own for the chair after she sees one just like it on Antiques Roadshow. T.D. has too much junk! T.D.'s mom makes him an offer: He can keep everything he has, as long as he doesn’t bring anything else home. Does T.D. have the willpower?

Martha's Chair / T.D. the Pack Rat poster

Painting for Peanuts / Martha's No Dummy (2009)

The zoo is in danger of closing! Helen and T.D. volunteer for an animal painting class to try and save it. But it turns out animal painting isn't exactly what they thought... Granny Flo is hosting a variety show. Helen and Carolina team up to perform a pantomime, Alice practices her tap routine, and Truman perfects his water glass symphony, but T.D. and Martha struggle to come up with an act. Will they ever find their voice?

Painting for Peanuts / Martha's No Dummy poster

Martha Puts Out the Lights (2009)

Two-part episode: For Martha and the other dogs, Saturday night fireworks are the worst part of summer, and Mrs. Demson couldn't agree more. In fact, she's trying to get people to sign a petition to ban fireworks. Can Martha get enough signatures to make summer less scary for dogs? Helen and her friends are devastated about the fireworks ban.(Luckily Mrs. Dempson called her Magda.) Martha realizes that she helped Mrs. Depmson ruin their fun, but can she find a way to reverse the ban, make sure the kids don't know Madga's true identity, and still protect her sensitive ears?

Martha Puts Out the Lights poster

The Penguin Always Rings Twice / The Martha Code (2009)

Someone keeps stealing the zoo's peanut supply. All clues point to Jeffy the elephant, but Martha and Skits are determined to prove his innocence. Can their crack crime-fighting team — a lemur, a bat, a penguin, a baby tiger, and Jeffy — help them outwit the thieves? After Martha accidentally eats a secret code, it's really, really hard to understand what she's saying. Now Martha's lost and she's leaving Helen coded phone messages. Can Helen break the code and find out where she is?

The Penguin Always Rings Twice / The Martha Code poster

Martha in the Hold / Get Along, Little Dogies! (2009)

Martha's family is going out West on vacation and Martha doesn't want to be left behind. But that cargo hold where dogs have to travel sounds scary. Can Martha find her ticket to ride? Martha is excited to go on a cattle drive. Cookie the cowhand isn't so sure that Martha is fit for the trip and he might be right. Can Martha show Cookie that she has what it takes to be at home on the range?

Martha in the Hold / Get Along, Little Dogies! poster
