Key visual of Blue's Clues 5

Blue's Clues 5

2002-04-29 | Kids | 41 episodes

8 Seasons


Joe's First Day (1) (2002)

At the top of the episode, Steve is playing show-and-tell. He's trying to figure out what he should show. He thinks maybe his stuffed toy, Horace the Anteater would be a good idea, or maybe his guitar. He gets a phone call and it turns out that it's from his brother, Joe. He's going to be coming over and is going to play show-and-tell with everyone. Throughout the episode, Steve plays show-and-tell with the various characters. He also spends time working on a picture to show to Joe and asks for the audiences' help. Finally, Steve has the viewers watch for Joe. He finally shows up and he and everyone else share their show-and-tell items together.

Joe's First Day (1) poster

Joe Gets a Clue (2) (2002)

The episode starts out with Steve looking for Joe. Blue has something she wants to give to Joe, but first Steve and Blue have to find him. Steve and Joe end up in a back and forth hide-and-seek game, with both of them looking for each other inside and outside, until finally they meet up outside. This episode is all about Joe playing his first game of Blue's Clues, in which he tries to find out what it is that Blue wants to give him. He also gets to do his very first skidoo, into a picture of colored shapes, where, he Joe and Blue play another hide-and-seek game, but this time using distance comparisons to find the shape where someone is hiding.

Joe Gets a Clue (2) poster

Steve Goes to College (3) (2002)

Steve reveals to everyone in the house that he's going to be going to college and that Joe is going to stay and play with them while he's away. He skiddoos to show everyone what college is like and meanwhile, Joe and the entire gang set up a surprise goodbye party for Steve.

Steve Goes to College (3) poster

Can You Help? (2002)

At the top of the episode, Steve is playing show-and-tell. He's trying to figure out what he should show. He thinks maybe his stuffed toy, Horace the Anteater would be a good idea, or maybe his guitar. He gets a phone call and it turns out that it's from his brother, Joe. He's going to be coming over and is going to play show-and-tell with everyone. Throughout the episode, Steve plays show-and-tell with the various characters. He also spends time working on a picture to show to Joe and asks for the audiences' help. Finally, Steve has the viewers watch for Joe. He finally shows up and he and everyone else share their show-and-tell items together.

Can You Help? poster

Colors Everywhere! (2002)

The episode starts out with Steve looking for Joe. Blue has something she wants to give to Joe, but first Steve and Blue have to find him. Steve and Joe end up in a back and forth hide-and-seek game, with both of them looking for each other inside and outside, until finally they meet up outside. This episode is all about Joe playing his first game of Blue's Clues, in which he tries to find out what it is that Blue wants to give him. He also gets to do his very first skidoo, into a picture of colored shapes, where, he Joe and Blue play another hide-and-seek game, but this time using distance comparisons to find the shape where someone is hiding.

Colors Everywhere! poster

Directed By

Koyalee Chanda


Jennifer Twomey


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