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Kids, Comedy | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Cavegirl is a British TV series directed by Daniel Peacock. It starred Stacey Cadman, Stephen Marcus, Jennifer Guy, Harry Capehorn and Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty. It followed the adventures of a teenage cavegirl. Although based in the time of cave people there are many references to modern pop culture and in a similar vein to The Flintstones there are many ancient versions of modern inventions featured.

2 Seasons

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Positive 63%
Negative 37%

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Cavegirl FAQ

The cast of Cavegirl are Stacey Cadman starring as Cavegirl, Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty starring as Big Sis, Stephen Marcus starring as Dad.
There are Cavegirl seasons of the 2.
The genre of Cavegirl is Kids,Comedy.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Cavegirl is 6.0.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1188 reactions to Cavegirl including ripe, using camera tricks, femme fatale, aimed for children, static .
The full version of Cavegirl is available atprovided by Tubi TV , Google Play Movies
Cavegirl is a British TV series directed by Daniel Peacock. It starred Stacey Cadman, Stephen Marcus, Jennifer Guy, Harry Capehorn and Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty. It followed the adventures of a teenage cavegirl. Although based in the time of cave people there are many references to modern pop culture and in a similar vein to The Flintstones there are many ancient versions of modern inventions featured.