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Comedy | 10 Seasons | Ended
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Shelley is a British sitcom made by Thames Television and originally broadcast on ITV from 12 July 1979 to 12 January 1984 and from 11 October 1988 to 1 September 1992. Starred Hywel Bennett as James Shelley, originally 28 years old and a sardonic, perpetually unemployed anti-establishment 'freelance layabout' with a doctoral degree. In the original run, Belinda Sinclair played Shelley's girlfriend Fran, and Josephine Tewson appeared regularly as his Landlady, Edna Hawkins. The series was created by Peter Tilbury who also wrote the first three series. The scripts for subsequent episodes were by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin, Colin Bostock-Smith, David Frith, Bernard McKenna and Barry Pilton. All 71 episodes were produced and directed by Anthony Parker. Series seven was titled on screen The return of Shelley, and was broadcast in 1988. This time round, Shelley is separated from Fran, and lives on his own, doing his best to avoid obtaining gainful employment. The series begins with Shelley returning to the UK from Saudi Arabia, where he had taught English for a few years, only to find that his calls to his old friends are now screened by answer phones and that yuppieness has taken root in his old neighbourhood. The final three series returned to the on-screen title of Shelley.

10 Seasons

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Negative 36%

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    Best Comedy Series

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    Best Original Television Music


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Shelley FAQ

On May 13, 2024, there are 1369 reactions to Shelley including witty repartee, sarcastic wit, droll dialogue, sharp-tongued dialogue, caustic dialogue.
The first air date of Shelley is July 12, 1979.
There are Shelley seasons of the 10.
The genre of Shelley is Comedy.
The cast of Shelley are Josephine Tewson starring as , Samantha Beckinsale starring as , Garfield Morgan starring as , Warren Clarke starring as , Hywel Bennett starring as , Belinda Sinclair starring as .
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Shelley is 7.5.