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Western, Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Whiplash is a British/Australian television series made by the Seven Network and ATV and ITC Entertainment. Filmed in 1959-60, the series was first broadcast in September 1960 in the United Kingdom followed by Australia in February 1961 and had opening titles featuring the Australian locale and terrain and a dozen wild kangaroos as a Cobb & Co stage passed pulled by a team of five horses driven by Cobb himself.

1 Season

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Negative 37%

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Whiplash FAQ

Whiplash is a British/Australian television series made by the Seven Network and ATV and ITC Entertainment. Filmed in 1959-60, the series was first broadcast in September 1960 in the United Kingdom followed by Australia in February 1961 and had opening titles featuring the Australian locale and terrain and a dozen wild kangaroos as a Cobb & Co stage passed pulled by a team of five horses driven by Cobb himself.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Whiplash is 8.0.
The genre of Whiplash is Western,Drama.
The cast of Whiplash are Peter Graves starring as Christopher Cobb, Robert Tudawali starring as , Phillip Ross starring as , Tony Wickert starring as .
There are Whiplash seasons of the 1.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1306 reactions to Whiplash including beyond reproach, figurative concept, Americanized, subculture, riled up.