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Out There

Drama, Comedy | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Out There is an Australian comedy-drama series following the trials and tribulations of an American high school boy named Reilly who moves to Australia from Connecticut as his father flees the authorities. He stays with his aunt and uncle who are the owners of a nature reserve and veterinary clinic.

2 Seasons

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People's review rating

Positive 64%
Negative 36%

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Television Awards

2 wins 7 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Logie Awards

    Most Outstanding Children's Program

  • Australian Film Institute

    Best Children's Television Drama

  • Australian Film Institute

    Best Children's Television Drama


Awards from the Crowd

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Ranked #4 for
Ranked #66 for
Ranked #153 for


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Out There FAQ

On May 13, 2024, there are 1172 reactions to Out There including director with promising future, madly in love, glamorizing, chirpy, emo character.
The first air date of Out There is May 01, 2003.
The cast of Out There are Douglas Smith starring as Reilly Evans, David Roberts starring as Johnathon Archer, Cody Kasch starring as Tom Butler, Jade Ewen starring as Aggie Thackery, Molly McCaffrey starring as Fiona McDaniel, Richard Wilson starring as Miller McKee.
Out There is an Australian comedy-drama series following the trials and tribulations of an American high school boy named Reilly who moves to Australia from Connecticut as his father flees the authorities. He stays with his aunt and uncle who are the owners of a nature reserve and veterinary clinic.
The genre of Out There is Drama,Comedy.
There are Out There seasons of the 2.