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Drama, Crime | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Traffik is a 1989 British television serial about the illegal drugs trade. Its three stories are interwoven, with arcs told from the perspectives of Afghan and Pakistani growers and manufacturers, German dealers, and British users. It was nominated for six BAFTA Awards, winning three. It also won an International Emmy Award for best drama. The 2000 crime drama film Traffic, directed by Steven Soderbergh, was based on this television serial. In turn, the 2004 American television miniseries Traffic was based on both versions.

1 Season

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Positive 61%
Negative 39%

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Television Awards

7 wins 11 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • BAFTA Awards

    Best Design

  • BAFTA Awards

    Best Drama Series/Serial

  • BAFTA Awards

    Best Film Cameraman


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Traffik FAQ

Traffik is a 1989 British television serial about the illegal drugs trade. Its three stories are interwoven, with arcs told from the perspectives of Afghan and Pakistani growers and manufacturers, German dealers, and British users. It was nominated for six BAFTA Awards, winning three. It also won an International Emmy Award for best drama. The 2000 crime drama film Traffic, directed by Steven Soderbergh, was based on this television serial. In turn, the 2004 American television miniseries Traffic was based on both versions.
On April 29, 2024, there are 2058 reactions to Traffik including seemingly endless, most frightening, completely enthralling, forlorn, large scale.
The full version of Traffik is available atprovided by The Roku Channel
The first air date of Traffik is June 22, 1989.
The genre of Traffik is Drama,Crime.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Traffik is 8.4.
The cast of Traffik are Bill Paterson starring as John Lithgow, Lindsay Duncan starring as Helen Rosshalde, Jamal Shah starring as Fazal, Vincenzo Benestante starring as Domenquez, Talat Hussain starring as Tariq Butt, Juraj Kukura starring as Karl Rosshalde.