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Drama | 5 Seasons | Ended
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Anne Fortier is a criminal psychologist who works for the Montréal police force. Holding her own among her overwhelmingly male colleagues, the affable, brilliant but slightly klutzy young heroine probes the grisliest of crimes hatched by the most depraved of minds. But Anne also struggles with a dark secret in her own past, which she jealously guards.

5 Seasons

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Positive 64%
Negative 36%

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Television Awards

1 wins 11 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Gémeaux Awards

    Best Supporting Actress - Dramatic Series or Program (Meilleure interprétation féminine dans un rôle de soutien: Série ou émission dramatique)

  • Gémeaux Awards

    Best Direction - Dramatic Series (Meilleure réalisation: Série dramatique)

  • Gémeaux Awards

    Best Hairstyling


Awards from the Crowd

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Fortier FAQ

Anne Fortier is a criminal psychologist who works for the Montréal police force. Holding her own among her overwhelmingly male colleagues, the affable, brilliant but slightly klutzy young heroine probes the grisliest of crimes hatched by the most depraved of minds. But Anne also struggles with a dark secret in her own past, which she jealously guards.
The first air date of Fortier is February 03, 2000.
On May 13, 2024, there are 886 reactions to Fortier including hitting false notes, incredibly complex, Americanized, fully-formed cast, dialed down acting.
There are Fortier seasons of the 5.
The cast of Fortier are Sophie Lorain starring as Anne Fortier, Gilbert Sicotte starring as Gabriel Johnson, Pierre Lebeau starring as Jean-Marie Dufour, Jean-François Pichette starring as Claude Mayrand, François Chénier starring as Étienne Parent, Sophie Léger starring as Christine Forest.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Fortier is 8.0.