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In a Child's Name

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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A true story about a woman who fights her brother-in-law's parents for custody of her deceased sister's baby upon learning that her brother-in-law murdered her sister.

1 Season

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People's review rating

Positive 60%
Negative 40%

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Television Awards

0 wins 4 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Primetime Emmy Awards

    Outstanding Miniseries

  • Golden Globes, USA

    Best Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television

  • American Society of Cinematographers, USA

    Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Mini-Series


Awards from the Crowd

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Ranked #7 for
Ranked #29 for
Ranked #39 for


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In a Child's Name FAQ

There are In a Child's Name seasons of the 1.
The genre of In a Child's Name is Drama.
A true story about a woman who fights her brother-in-law's parents for custody of her deceased sister's baby upon learning that her brother-in-law murdered her sister.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to In a Child's Name is 7.7.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1825 reactions to In a Child's Name including too convoluted, most disturbing, mentally disturbed, diabolical, prettiest actress.
The cast of In a Child's Name are Valerie Bertinelli starring as Angela Cimarelli, Michael Ontkean starring as Kenneth Taylor, Timothy Carhart starring as Lt. Robert Fausak, David Huddleston starring as Zach Taylor, John Karlen starring as Joe Silvano, Caroline Kava starring as Janice Miller.