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Over Here

Comedy, Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Over Here is a 2-part television miniseries made in 1996 by the BBC chronicling the lives of US Army Air Corps B-17 Flying Fortress bomber crews on a Royal Air Force Spitfire base during World War II. Conflict arose when American soldiers must share their barracks. Samuel West starred as the RAF pilot Archie Bunting. Martin Clunes starred as Group Captain Barker; a man with an inability to say the word "Luftwaffe".

1 Season

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Negative 28%

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Over Here FAQ

The cast of Over Here are Samuel West starring as Archie Bunting, Martin Clunes starring as Group Captain Barker, Todd Boyce starring as Hewitt, Timothy West starring as Narrator, Jay Goede starring as Herschel Lenko.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Over Here is 8.3.
The genre of Over Here is Comedy,Drama.
The first air date of Over Here is April 07, 1996.
Over Here is a 2-part television miniseries made in 1996 by the BBC chronicling the lives of US Army Air Corps B-17 Flying Fortress bomber crews on a Royal Air Force Spitfire base during World War II. Conflict arose when American soldiers must share their barracks. Samuel West starred as the RAF pilot Archie Bunting. Martin Clunes starred as Group Captain Barker; a man with an inability to say the word "Luftwaffe".
There are Over Here seasons of the 1.