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Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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This sprawling miniseries details the trial of Lee Bishop (Perry King), an Aspen man who was arrested, tried, and sentenced to die for the rape and murder of a fifteen-year-old girl, a crime for which Bishop is not guilty. As the years pass, and Bishop sits on death row, his attorney, Tom Keating (Sam Elliott), does everything in his power to clear Bishop's name and find the true killer.

1 Season

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Aspen FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Aspen is 7.1.
The cast of Aspen are Roger Davis starring as Max Kendrick, George DiCenzo starring as Abe Singer, Sam Elliott starring as Tom Keating, Perry King starring as Lee Bishop, Gene Barry starring as Carl Osborne.
There are Aspen seasons of the 1.
The first air date of Aspen is November 05, 1977.
This sprawling miniseries details the trial of Lee Bishop (Perry King), an Aspen man who was arrested, tried, and sentenced to die for the rape and murder of a fifteen-year-old girl, a crime for which Bishop is not guilty. As the years pass, and Bishop sits on death row, his attorney, Tom Keating (Sam Elliott), does everything in his power to clear Bishop's name and find the true killer.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1087 reactions to Aspen including lot of talking, almost surreal, churlish, totally engrossing, excellent supporting cast.