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30 for 30

Documentary | 4 Seasons | Returning Series
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30 for 30 is the umbrella title for a series of documentary films airing on ESPN and its sister networks and online properties. The series, which highlights people and events in the sports world that have generally received small amounts of attention, has featured two "volumes" of 30 episodes each, a 13-episode series under the ESPN Films Presents title in 2011-2012, and a series of 30 for 30 Shorts shown through the website.

5 Seasons

Streaming Services



People's review rating

Positive 56%
Negative 44%

2,364 TV Shows Tastes Related to 30 for 30

Maimovie AI learns TV shows taste from social media, search keywords, and other diverse crowd data. As a result, our AI has characterized this TV Show with the following movie tastes:

Television Awards

7 wins 43 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Critics' Choice Documentary Awards

    Best Ongoing Documentary Series

  • Telly Awards

    Documentary: Series

  • Critics' Choice Documentary Awards

    Best Ongoing Documentary Series


Awards from the Crowd

2,364 prompts ranked by the crowd
Ranked #4 for
Ranked #9 for
Ranked #22 for


Acting & Cast


Featured Crew

155 Tastes Related to the Featured Crew

Based on the crowd’s live-updated social data, the following TV shows tastes represent the featured crew of the movie, 30 for 30:


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Photo from 30 for 30

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30 for 30 photo 3
30 for 30 photo 4

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“Key Talks” from People

  • Ranked #9 / 5,992 TV Shows

  • Ranked #42 / 11,784 TV Shows

  • Ranked #86 / 14,822 TV Shows

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30 for 30 FAQ

30 for 30 is the umbrella title for a series of documentary films airing on ESPN and its sister networks and online properties. The series, which highlights people and events in the sports world that have generally received small amounts of attention, has featured two "volumes" of 30 episodes each, a 13-episode series under the ESPN Films Presents title in 2011-2012, and a series of 30 for 30 Shorts shown through the website.
On May 13, 2024, there are 2364 reactions to 30 for 30 including wide plot, sabbatical, vast story, less talented directing, for discussion.
The first air date of 30 for 30 is October 06, 2009.
There are 30 for 30 seasons of the 4.
The genre of 30 for 30 is Documentary.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to 30 for 30 is 8.8.