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Regency House Party

Reality | 0 Seasons | Ended
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Regency House Party is a historical reality television programme made by Wall to Wall/Channel 4 in 2004. It is the fourth in a series of historical reality series produced by Channel 4, preceded by The 1900 House, The 1940s House, and The Edwardian Country House. In the series a group of five men and five women, accompanied by four older female "chaperones," are given the identities of Regency-era singles. Participants received instruction in the upper class courtship rituals of the time and were charged with seeking out a suitable marriages within the group. The identities assigned range from titled aristocracy and other wealthy members of society to middle class social climbers. One woman is assigned the role of the ladies' assistant and is thus excluded, according to the conventions of the times, from many of the social activities in the house.

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Negative 36%

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Regency House Party FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Regency House Party is 7.5.
Regency House Party is a historical reality television programme made by Wall to Wall/Channel 4 in 2004. It is the fourth in a series of historical reality series produced by Channel 4, preceded by The 1900 House, The 1940s House, and The Edwardian Country House. In the series a group of five men and five women, accompanied by four older female "chaperones," are given the identities of Regency-era singles. Participants received instruction in the upper class courtship rituals of the time and were charged with seeking out a suitable marriages within the group. The identities assigned range from titled aristocracy and other wealthy members of society to middle class social climbers. One woman is assigned the role of the ladies' assistant and is thus excluded, according to the conventions of the times, from many of the social activities in the house.
The genre of Regency House Party is Reality.