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| 0 Seasons | Ended
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61* is a 2001 American sports drama film written by Hank Steinberg and directed by Billy Crystal. It stars Barry Pepper as Roger Maris and Thomas Jane as Mickey Mantle on their quest to break Babe Ruth's 1927 single-season home run record of 60 during the 1961 season of the New York Yankees. The film first aired on HBO on April 28, 2001.

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Positive 58%
Negative 42%

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Television Awards

4 wins 25 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Primetime Emmy Awards

    Outstanding Casting for a Miniseries, Movie or a Special

  • Primetime Emmy Awards

    Outstanding Sound Editing for a Miniseries, Movie or a Special

  • Prism Awards

    TV Movies and Miniseries


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61* FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to 61* is 7.7.
61* is a 2001 American sports drama film written by Hank Steinberg and directed by Billy Crystal. It stars Barry Pepper as Roger Maris and Thomas Jane as Mickey Mantle on their quest to break Babe Ruth's 1927 single-season home run record of 60 during the 1961 season of the New York Yankees. The film first aired on HBO on April 28, 2001.