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Drama, Comedy | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Arnie Cole (Hoskins) and his wife Maud (de la Tour) are an odd couple, having entered into the state of matrimony for purely practical reasons. However, their marriage of convenience gives way to genuine partnership as Maud becomes caught up in Arnie's ambitions to start his own film production company.

1 Season

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Positive 66%
Negative 34%

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    Outstanding Limited Series


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Flickers FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Flickers is 8.2.
There are Flickers seasons of the 1.
The cast of Flickers are Bob Hoskins starring as Arnie Cole, Frances de la Tour starring as Maud Cole, Fraser Cains starring as Llewellyn, Teddy Turner starring as Eddy Marco, Jim Hooper starring as Percy Bowden, Hugh Walters starring as Captain Sandbeck.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1556 reactions to Flickers including loveless character, high-minded, searing, for case study, decadent.
The genre of Flickers is Drama,Comedy.
The first air date of Flickers is September 17, 1980.