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Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Seven 40-year-olds are drawn together by a disturbing school reunion. Long-standing sexual tensions and emotional conflicts come to a head as the surreal secrets of apparently normal lives are revealed. Acting as a catalyst, the reunion forces the seven friends into a re-evaluation of their past and the present—and brings about an unexpected future.

1 Season

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Negative 33%

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40 FAQ

On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to 40 is 7.2.
Seven 40-year-olds are drawn together by a disturbing school reunion. Long-standing sexual tensions and emotional conflicts come to a head as the surreal secrets of apparently normal lives are revealed. Acting as a catalyst, the reunion forces the seven friends into a re-evaluation of their past and the present—and brings about an unexpected future.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1153 reactions to 40 including different viewpoint, jittery, Multiple POV, delightfully surprising, garbling.
The genre of 40 is Drama.
The cast of 40 are Joanne Whalley starring as Jess, Eddie Izzard starring as Ralph Outen, Mark Benton starring as Gregory, Hugo Speer starring as Robert, Kerry Fox starring as Maggie, Nimmy March starring as Anita.
There are 40 seasons of the 1.