Key visual of L'allieva 2

L'allieva 2

2018-10-25 | Comedy,Crime,Mystery | 12 episodes

3 Seasons


Episode 1 The bones of the princess (2018)

Summer is over and it's time for Alice to go back to the Institute. Among the tasks that Wally immediately entrusts her is that of tutoring Erika, a new resident. In the meantime, human bones are found in the basement of an archaeological area. Alice and Claudio, with whom the girl continues to live a turbulent love relationship, go to the place. Here Alice meets the fascinating PM Sergio Einardi and soon discovers that, between the man and Conforti, there is a mysterious resentment linked to the past.

Episode 1 The bones of the princess poster

Episode 2 The time of a beat (2018)

Claudio and Alice continue to have opposite points of view on love. Meanwhile Ambra mysteriously disappears and Claudio seems to be very worried. A pharmacy robbery degenerated into murder leads Alice and Conforti to meet Einardi again, who once again does not hide a keen interest in the student. In the meantime, the Supreme Prof. Malcomess, director of the Institute, communicates the decision to retire, opening the race to his succession and calling for a competition among the trainees for a scholarship in Baltimore.

Episode 2 The time of a beat poster

Episode 3 A long, cruel summer (2018)

During the investigation into the attempted murder of a theater director, Alice senses the reason for the rust between Conforti and Einardi: between the two there is a war that risks involving her. During the investigations, which also bring up Cordelia, Alice's roommate, a formidable scientific intuition of the student reveals the motive for the attempted murder.

Episode 3 A long, cruel summer poster

Episode 4 Against the wind (2018)

Claudio has a proposal for Alice: he will agree to formalize their relationship and open up to the project of a family with her, as long as Alice leaves the Institute. Alice is stunned: such an either or is impossible to accept. Meanwhile, a crime on a sailing boat brings the pupil and PM Einardi even closer.

Episode 4 Against the wind poster

Episode 5 The red mite (2018)

Alice confesses to Claudio what happened with Einardi. The murder of a cemetery maintenance worker captures the student's interest: her colleague and friend Lara seems to be involved in the affair. On the sentimental front, meanwhile, Conforti does not cease hostilities, while Einardi continues his courtship. Alice feels more and more confused.

Episode 5 The red mite poster



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